Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Matt and Maria are speaking more and more English every day. . We are speaking to them like we would Caroline and Luke. They are not asking "what is this...." as often as they were. These two are so motivated to fit in. Now, we just need to take that motivation and start reading. They are truly amazing. Someone came up to them yesterday at church and spoke Russian to them. They walked away. We tried to explained that they should not walk away, but Matt told us, "Only English. I am in America."

Also yesterday, they experienced fishing. They have been asking to fish for a few days. We purchased new hooks and corks and took them to the pond. They are so happy to be fishing. They kissed us over and over again. They just want to catch dinner. Matt wants to catch something for Mom to cook. Dad does not want to clean the catch. Maria just wants someone to bait her hook. We are calling this fishing program a "catch and release plan". In other words, no cleaning and cooking of the fish. They were so noisy fishing that the fish swam to the other side of the pond. What a time!

Today, Caroline decided to mow the yard with the riding lawn mower. Matt wanted to ride the mower, but Cindy said no. He was not happy, so he started up the push mower and just randomly started mowing the yard. He followed no pattern. Cindy tried to channel this energy to the front yard. Maria felt left out, so she started pushing the mower with Matt. So, let me further explain what was happening. Caroline is riding the lawn tractor. Matt and Maria are pushing the same lawn mower. Gretchen, our dog, is running wild with excitement. Cindy is stumbling around trying to capture all of this on her camera. Tom was in Rhode Island and telephoned home wanting to talk to his family. Cindy explained the above situation, and Tom just laughed. Tonight, the yard is cut. That is all that I can say at this time.

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