Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007 Memorial Day

The past week may new experiences have occurred. First of all, Matt and Maria went to the dentist to get some repair work done. Maria did not like the experience, but her teeth need many repairs. No one has taught her how to properly brush. She had a tooth pulled because it was so bad the dentist could not repair it. Fortunately, all of the repairs are on baby teeth. She will have 3 temporary fillings with medication fillings to help stop the decay. Matt just had 3 air abrasions done. Very easy and painless. After he was done, he played the PlayStation in the waiting room and thoroughly enjoyed it. He cannot wait until Maria's next appointment.

A translator was needed this week. Matt acted improperly at school. Cindy wanted to make certain that he understood why his actions were wrong. She called Olya, who helped her through the situation. Since the dentist was a terrifying experience for Maria, Olya explained that the worst was over and Maria will not have the same experience again. Both kids were shocked that Cindy got a translator involved, but they knew Cindy really wanted them to understand her point of view on each situation.

Matt continues his crush on Jasmine. We believe this is a mutual crush. The week, Jasmine gave him a heart with her phone number on it. This is the second time she has given him her phone number. Why? What would they talk about? Jasmine is a bit forward for a second grader. Should we tell her parents? Anyway, Cindy took the phone number, so no calls will be made.

On Thursday, Matt and Maria started speaking English to each other. This occurred in Cindy's car. It was truly amazing. In fact, on Friday, Maria started speaking Russian to Matt, and he started only English. Sometimes they call each other Maksym and Oksanna. It is enjoyable to see the changes in them.

Beds. Beds. Beds. It is so difficult to get them to make their bed. This is ironic since their rooms at the orphanage were so perfect. The orphanage caregivers made certain that each kids put away their pajamas and made their bed each day. They kids just want to drop their pajamas on the floor and leave their beds unmade. Is this a rebellion? When Cindy asked them to make their beds, they will say, "No good bed today." Then Cindy's response is, "No outside." They will hang their heads and make the bed.

One day this past week, each child became angry at Cindy and told her that they would get in the car and drive to to Ukraine. Cindy told them they could not drive to Ukraine. Maria even sat in the car waiting for the car to move. Each child has a strong will.

Overall, the kids are happy. Matt especially. He has thanked us for coming to get him. Maria often tells us that she loves us. Maria just enjoys spending time with Caroline.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Today was the Fast Flash Race. The 5K race and the 2K kids race raise money for the Franklin Central Cross Country team and the Franklin Central Educational Foundation. We participated as a family with Gretchen our dog. What a day! Matt and Maria were scheduled to run the 2K kids run but did not want to wait for that to start at 9am. So they decided to enter in the 5K race, which started at 8am. After participating in the 5K race, Matt decided to run the 2K. Well, if Thing 1 does something, Thing 2 will follow. Now, Maria was in the race too. Maria finished the 2K race. She walked part of it. She was tired, but we liked her determination. Matt on the other hand finished 7th in the 2K race. We have a runner! He just did not slow down. He wanted to be in the front of the pack. He could not believe how many people were cheering for him, and that kept him going. Caroline and Luke met him at the finish line. After he crossed the line, he did not know what to do next. We took him to the medal stand. Maria received a medal also. They kids wore the medals all day long.

Friday, May 18, 2007

May 18, 2007

Matt and Maria have completed 9 days of school as of today. We have come into some interesting situations. First of all, Wednesday, Matt had a field trip to Eagle Creek Reservoir. Tom mentioned this at breakfast, and Maria went nuts. "If Matt has no school, I will not go to school." She really meant this. She was not going. After we practically dressed her, she decided to attend school. School is not optional.

Matt enjoyed the field trip with his dad. Because Tom was a chaperon, Matt got to pick which classmates could be in his group. The most interesting pick was Jasmine. When we asked him why he picked Jasmine, Matt told us that he likes her. The next day, he came home with Jasmine's phone number. Cindy threw it away. He is too young for this.

Yesterday, both kids spoke a full grammatically correct sentence in English. Don't get too excited. It was a short simple sentence, but progress in English is evident. Both told Cindy what they like and used the word "I" at the beginning of the sentence and not "me."

Caroline had an orchestra concert on Wednesday and Matt and Maria went. Now, both want to play the violin. Let's see how they feel about this in 5th grade when the program starts.

They have enjoyed library books more this week. They are understanding them more and more with each reading. Cindy works with each child 1 to 1.5 hours a day after school on math, spelling and phonics. She is really trying to bring them along.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Matt and Maria have attended school for 3 days. Matt wants a break. We told him that Saturday and Sundays are non-school days, and he was OK with that. He is used to spending time in his school room 7 days a week. Not here buddy. Maria likes school especially the cafteria. She just thinks this set up is great. She tells us daily what she had for lunch.

After school, Cindy will make them write their spelling words then make them learn the definition of 4 words from their lists. Matt does not have time for this and just wants to go outside and ride a bike. His fuss makes his lesson last longer. Maria will put her nose to the grindstone and go.

Because our neighborhood is being redistricted next fall, the school corporation is letting the kids attend the new school. This is good because it is one less change for them. This also means that we need to provide the transportation to and from school. Most kids would like this arrangement but not Matt and Maria. They are just thrilled with the idea of riding in a school bus. They cannot wait. We will remind them of this in 7 years when they ask to drive to school.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Back in School

First day at school!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday May 6, 2007

The children have been in America for 2 full days. They just think that America is great. They have met some children in the neighborhood and have been swimming at a neighbors. They have played baseball and soccer in the yard or basketball in the driveway. Remember, this is Indiana. They need to learn basketball. They are not comfortable with American food yet. They did not like green beans and peas. They did not eat these vegetables while living in Ukraine. Cucumbers are well liked. They just enjoyed their first church service together. They went to "Kids Rock". It is a wild time, and they were trying to sing and dance to the music. Folks are amazed at how quickly they are trying out their English commands. "Let's go everybody." "Now." " I said then some Russian or Ukrainian may follow." They are following directions. They did not want to go to bed. They want to stay up until the last ray of sunshine is gone. Cindy can relate to this.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Back in the USA - News at 11:00

Cindy, Maria and Matt are in the US and are scheduled arrive in Indianapolis at 10:40 this evening!

Homeward Bound - May 4, 2007

Cindy just called me from the plane. They were able to make a 1:00 PM flight that will get them into New York at 4 this afternoon. If all goes well and they are able to make it through immigration, they will arrive late this evening. We cannot wait until they are finally home!

They were originally scheduled to come home on May 5. As with much of this process, we planned for the worst and prayed for the best! They got the doctor's appointment done last Saturday and, due to the extended May 1 holiday, had to wait until Thursday for the U.S. Embassy appointment. They went early with all the paperwork and hopes of getting the visa the same day. They were happy that Alyona received her visa the same day. Julie took care of changing all the tickets because they thought all the visas were complete. At the end of Thursday, they found that there was a technical problem with scanning a photo. They were promised the visas for Maria and Matt early today, Friday

I got a call at 2:30 AM letting me know that they had the visa. Then we went hunting for new tickets home. I was dropping Caroline off at school when I got the message that they had made it onto the Aerosvit flight. Caroline has a field trip with her class to Chicago. Hopefully she will see her mom, sister and brother when she gets back.

The last week was eventful. Cindy, Maria and Matt shared and apartment in downtown Kyiv with Julie and Alyona. I wanted to stay to help the kids get home, but it turned out best for Matt and the girls to help each other out. They went on walking tours around town and played in parks near their apartment.

The taste of everyday life in Ukraine continued. They were shopping and Matt wanted sunflower seeds. Cindy did not want to get too many because they can be messy in the apartment. She asked for half a bag. The clerk weighed the bag, but rolled her eyes as she gave it back. When checking out, the clerk at the check out counter stated that she could not sell her the partial bag because that quantity was not in her system. No sunflower seeds for you!

The kids are getting used to a life with more choices. Cindy told Maria and Matt they could get one soft drink from the soft drink aisle. While Maria picked hers quickly, Matt selected and returned five bottles before completing his selection. Must be a guy thing.

I have set up doctors and dentist appointments for the kids and they will start school next week. The house has been updated to make places for a family of six plus one exchange student, who will be returning to Germany in June.

We are very thankful for the many blessings that God has shown to us through this process. He has shown us the path around the many obstacles, provided wonderful people that share our love and concern for the children to help us and given us the patience to see His way. Praise God!