Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday May 6, 2007

The children have been in America for 2 full days. They just think that America is great. They have met some children in the neighborhood and have been swimming at a neighbors. They have played baseball and soccer in the yard or basketball in the driveway. Remember, this is Indiana. They need to learn basketball. They are not comfortable with American food yet. They did not like green beans and peas. They did not eat these vegetables while living in Ukraine. Cucumbers are well liked. They just enjoyed their first church service together. They went to "Kids Rock". It is a wild time, and they were trying to sing and dance to the music. Folks are amazed at how quickly they are trying out their English commands. "Let's go everybody." "Now." " I said then some Russian or Ukrainian may follow." They are following directions. They did not want to go to bed. They want to stay up until the last ray of sunshine is gone. Cindy can relate to this.

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